Many in Coos Bay have been anxiously awaiting the grand opening of the new 7 Devil's Brewing Co., and while many expect a proper brew pub to have a beer garden, few anticipated the environmentally responsible Ocean Friendly Beer Garden! Owners Carmen Matthews and wife Annie Pollard have strong roots within Surfrider, and beyond their dedication to crafting beer, they serve on the executive committee of their local SF chapter. When it was time to plan the stormwater management for their business, they thought of their business footprint and how they could both be stewards for clean water and demonstrate an ocean friendly garden.

Check out more photos on facebook here!
The garden will help filter thousands of gallons of stormwater from their business, uniquely retaining the water surrounding their outdoor patio in an aesthetically pleasing and native rain garden. The result is a beautifully landscaped "ocean friendly beer garden"! Where parking lot spaces once were are now two beautiful gardens, so beyond the building stormater, they've effectively reduced runoff from the adjacent parking lot by replacing some of the impervious surface area with percolating gardens. This project would not be possible without the massive support from Molly and David Ford, Solcoast Consulting and Design, Mike Vaughn and over 35 volunteers from the Coos Bay Surfrider Chapter.