Please join us at the
Port Orford Library at
7pm on
November 2 for the
Birds of Redfish Rocks and Important Bird Area (IBA) Program! Local photographer
Lois Miller and Kalmiopsis Audubon Society's
Ann Vileisis will present on the birds that inhabit or use the area around Redfish Rocks. Ann and Lois will show big screen pictures and share insights about local shore birds that can be difficult to see close up.
Paul Engelmeyer from Audubon Society's Ten Mile Creek Sanctuary will explain what IBAs are and how they play into the sea bird conservation efforts from Alaska to Baja California. Paul will provide the bigger picture highlighting the central coast Marbled Murelet IBA and how it plays into the Cape Perpetua marine reserve and Oregon’s network of marine reserves. Come enjoy the discussions, photography and tasty local seafood samples from
Port Orford Sustainable Seafood! This event is a collaboration of the
Redfish Rocks Community Team, Kalmiopsis Audubon Society, Our Ocean, and
Port Orford Ocean Resource Team.