November 28, 2007 at 9:00 am at the
Lane County Commission meeting local Florence residents and users from all over are encouraged to come and give comments in support of this campaign to stop a newly implaced user fee at
Harbor Vista. Harbor Vista, more commonly known by locals as
Chicken Point, has a local cultural significance. Fisherman, surfers and other ocean users have used this lookout to check the bar and ocean conditions for years. They have also historically used this parking area free of charge. In the summer of 2007, Lane County Parks emplaced a fee with no general improvement or services for the parking area. The park is essentially taxing local residents with a fee that offers no services for those parking. Day-use fees set a dangerous precedent for public rights to free and open access to our beaches and coastline scenic views. Please show your support by helping give comments to the county commission at the meeting or just call them let them know your in objection to this fee! Comments can be made to the commission from both Eugene and Florence and for more details contact Gus Gates at ggates@surfrider.org