On November 2, the City of Port Orford amended its stormwater ordinance to strengthen protections for water quality. The new ordinance will help protect freshwater habitat used by salmon, and keep the ocean cleaner, as well. Under the ordinance, new development and redevelopment with less than 3,000 sq ft of impervious surface area is required to have a downspout (or similar method) to direct stormwater to vegetated areas to allow for natural filtration. New development and redevelopment with greater than 3,000 sq ft of impervious surface area (e.g., commercial development, industrial development, public works projects and multi-family residences) must have engineered stormwater plans that utilize 'best management practices' to keep water as close to where it fell as possible and maximize pollutant removal. For more information including the full ordinance, please visit the stormwater page. Thanks to all the partners who have worked on this effort including the Port Orford Ocean Resource Team (POORT), the City of Port Orford, Surfrider Foundation, New Wave Planning, and the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development!